The most toxic environment is actually your home! Look under your kitchen sink and observe all the chemical compounds you use to clean your home. Look in your shower stall at all the chemical compounds you use to clean your body. Look in your medicine cabinet at all the chemical compounds you use for personal beauty and hygiene. Now look in your cupboards at all the processed foods in the boxes, jars, aluminum cans, styrofoam and plastic packaging. Notice any rancid vegetable oils such as canola oil, soy bean oil, any Crisco shortening with its transfatty acids. Yes even rancid olive oil! Check out your refrigerator and freezer at all the processed foods in packaging, especially pay attention to the door of the refrigerator at all the chemical condiments and salad "dressings" that are necessary to add flavor to the processed and chemically ladened fake food. Pasteurized milk anyone! Toxic to the human body. I'm just getting going. Flour, sugars, pastas, salt, cereals, yup all toxic to the human gut. Got gut problems-Hmmm might want to think about it.
Now think of all the chemically manufactured carpeting, fire retardant chemicals on your pillow, mattresses and even your carpets. Then there are the chemical glues that are used for plywood, particle board used in furniture, all the paints and varnishes. Then take a walk into your laundry area and notice all the chemicals used to clean your clothes. If you are on municipal water there is a source of toxic chemical soup especially if your municipality adds in toxic fluoride! What do you cook your food in? Teflon? sorry toxins leaching into your foods. Aluminum? sorry again toxic aluminum in your foods. And on and on it goes. Oh did I mention the fake polyester clothing-plastic. When you dry polyester in the dryer it creates 'static cling' and then you use a chemical 'dryer sheet' to remove this 'static cling'. Are you burning some of those cheap petroleum or soy based chemically scented candles? Too bad they add toxins into your environment. Hey let's not forget that beautiful lawn full of chemical fertilizers. That where you children play! Almost forgot mentioning your over the counter medications or prescription drugs. What about those toxic synthetic vitamins from CVS or GNC or local supermarket and health store? All are poisons that need to be neutralized, disassembled, neutralized again, then carried out of the body. Any baby toys with BPA plastic? Any alcohol-sorry to break the news but booze is a poison with the exception of a little wine (3oz 1-2X per week). While we are on it coffee is also toxic to the human body.
Toxic home=toxic body=toxic mind=toxic living =spiritually uninspired, mentally constipated, emotionally unstable, and physically exhausted.
Live a consciously aware and healthful life you create a healthy body, mind, spirit, relationships and home environment. Then you love the human experience and want to participate in creating heaven on Earth for all people.
This year make health and healing primary starting with your home environment.
Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Monday, January 24, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saturated Fat
I continue to read and hear how people are still afraid of consuming saturated fats to the point of a national phobia about these extremely dense macro-utrients. Where did all this fear come from? At the turn of the 19th Century saturated fat was consumed liberally. The medical science continues to blame saturated fats for all kinds of health related issues especially heart disease, high cholesterol, and obesity. Yet other independent researches completely debunk their 'lipid' hypothesis. The famous Framingham Heart Study flop concluded that there was no significant findings correlating animal fat or protein intake to CVD, cholesterol, or obesity/weight gain. Basically the scientists buried this report because they were actually looking for animal fats to be the culprit. Here is the saying "doctors (literally) bury their mistakes and researchers bury outcomes they don't expect and don't welcome." We would have to follow the money trail as to who was paying for the study and wanting a specific outcome. In general, the massive Food Processing industry was interested in blaming animal products to make more profits on their fake fats such as Crisco Shortening, Margarine, and all the rancid vegetable oils, especially soy bean oil and corn oil. If you don't know this, soy oil was first manufactured for the paint industry and was never intended for human consumption. That's because it is not for human consumption. If people became afraid and believe that animal fats caused heart disease then these people would all go for these manufactured fake foods. And that is exactly what happened. Now even most of the alternative health practitioners promote consuming not more than 10% saturated fat and ideally minimal! Where did they learn that figure? It is actually a fictitious number pulled out of thin air. There is no real science proving limiting your saturated fat to less than 10% to prevent heart disease. The native Alaskan Eskimo consumes up to 80% of their diet from animal fat-and has zero heart disease. Yet, it has been proven that the trans fats created in the process of manufacturing does increase heart disease! Like any other business, the food manufacturers of fake fats put on an incredible marketing campaign first to influence people to believe that animal fats are bad and dangerous to health and secondly by employing celebrities, doctors, promote their products as health promoting! Thus, people have been duped in the name of profits. Tropical oils such as coconut oil, which is 92% saturated fats, were culprits in the 1980's to the food manufactures marketing scandal. Because of this restaurants changed over to using the fake fats and rancid cheap vegetable oils for deep frying, stir frying and baking goods to the detriment of peoples health. Thus today, we are a society that is extremely phobic about consuming animal fats and all types of saturated fats.
If you really want to reduce and eliminate your risks of heart disease and obesity, I suggest you avoid fats and foods that are marketed as a health food or 'heart health' and consume fats that are marketed as bad for health. That means eat more organic raw butter, coconuts, coconut cream, virgin unrefined organic coconut oils, avocados, eat olives, organic preferably raw milks and cheeses and organic-preferably grass fed animal fats and proteins.
For more information on the science of saturated fats please read "Know Your Fats" by Mary Enig.
Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
If you really want to reduce and eliminate your risks of heart disease and obesity, I suggest you avoid fats and foods that are marketed as a health food or 'heart health' and consume fats that are marketed as bad for health. That means eat more organic raw butter, coconuts, coconut cream, virgin unrefined organic coconut oils, avocados, eat olives, organic preferably raw milks and cheeses and organic-preferably grass fed animal fats and proteins.
For more information on the science of saturated fats please read "Know Your Fats" by Mary Enig.
Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
7 Primal Movement Patterns
Through my learning with the Chek Institute and teacher Paul Chek he has simplified movements that matter into the 7 fundamental Primal Movement Patterns. He uses the logic of primal because they are instinctive, required to live wild in accordance with nature and do not need to be taught to us as infants and children. However, due to improper exercise programs and repetitive stress movement patterns we not only create neuro-muskulo-skeletal imbalances but also lose the ability to perform these 7 Primal Movement Patterns like the ease of a child.
Gait-Of course we have heard that walking is our greatest exercise. There is some truth to that except when you have a rotation in your pelvis which results in injury to neck, back, hips, knees, ankles and feet and even toes. Ever see a bunion from too small a shoe and overpronation of the ankle and forefoot? I know first hand how a rotation in the pelvis causes walking or gait to be painful! After 20 minutes my right lower back would ache and my right big toe would swell, become red, and be very sore. I would soak my foot in an herbal tea to help ease the inflamation. Therefore, I spent more time engaged in corrective exercise and slow moving type exercise such as Feldenkrais and Qigong to realign my pelvis. Think of driving your car with the front end out of alignment. It may pull the car to the right or left. Then observe that the tires wear down on the side the steering pulls towards and also observe how much more energy it takes to drive. The longer the drive the more you will notice muscles of the shoulders and neck becoming sore and tired. In other words, overworked. Do this for 20 years and you set yourself up for greater risk for more serious injury. Please note that crawling is the very best exercise especially for infants and toddlers in order to properly develop the spinal curves and integration of the brain's hemispheres. Proper development equals greater learning, creativity, athleticism and ease of communicating thoughts into words. Let your child develop at his or her own pace. The child will learn to walk in accordance with their needs and process. To get involved and push them quicker is a mistake. They should be on the floor and Earth crawling as often as possible.
The Squat-Before a baby starts walking they will learn how to sit, crawl and then Squat. Squatting is so primal because it is part of proper defecation during bowl movements. It stimulates proper pumping mechanisms within the pelvic and diaphragmatic cavities. It keeps proper tone and neuro firing of the transverse abdominal muscles as well as spinal stabilizer muscles to prevent back injury and spinal degeneration. If you are walking your exercise program would best include learning how to restore proper squatting with weights and just body weight. The Chinese Wall Squat is a superb way to restore this pattern.
The Lunge-After learning the squat comes the lunge. It is also a natural progression from the crawl, squat and gait patterns. It is important because when we walk 80-85% of the time we are on one foot! Getting in a car door requires the lunge pattern. Climbing up and down stairs is the lunge pattern. Often one starts off with a split squat lunge exercise and builds up to walking lunges and then dynamic lunges.
The Bend-Bending at the hip joint or hip socket is of paramount importance to a healthy back. Most back injuries are often due to improper function and /or balance of the bend pattern. This pattern is also referred to as back and hip disassociation. The head of the thigh bone, the femur, must be able to move freely in the hip socket to a certain range of motion anterior and posterior before the pelvis rotates causing the spine to flex or hyperextend. This movement also involves the proper functioning of the psoas muscle which is implicated in numerous health issues from digestion, headaches to rotation in the pelvis and therefore problems with improper gait injuries.
Twist-Have you ever watched a baby on the floor grabbing and twisting with such fluidity? Where did it go? Well where ever it went, it can be resurrected with proper training. Proper core twisting involves the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles and we want to integrate the core with our extremities while in a 3 dimensionally free space. We want to engage in twisting patterns that are required by the demands of how we live our life. Getting in the car requires not only the lunge pattern but also a twisting pattern.
Push and Pull Patterns-Opening and closing doors requires this pattern as does holding a baby in one hand and pushing a carriage in the other or climbing a tree (which is also crawling and gait) or slapping a puck into the net! Most of our pushing and pulling for instinctual survival requires us to be standing on our two feet and most often on one foot. Therefore, all of the primal movement patterns require us to use free weights and cables to mimic real life. We don't push heavy weights lying on a bench in real life. Think again about getting into a car which is a pull, lunge and twist pattern. What machine trains that?
All of these patterns are those that we required to live closely and survive in nature. Our modern way of living has disrupted our primal instincts to move across the unpredictable plane of the Earth. Restoring these patterns will invigorate your body's instincts and confidence in this world. When you learn to exercise and move your body above and beyond the requirements of how you live then activities in life becomes easier and more joyful. And it is a joy for me to teach you how to do it.
Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Gait-Of course we have heard that walking is our greatest exercise. There is some truth to that except when you have a rotation in your pelvis which results in injury to neck, back, hips, knees, ankles and feet and even toes. Ever see a bunion from too small a shoe and overpronation of the ankle and forefoot? I know first hand how a rotation in the pelvis causes walking or gait to be painful! After 20 minutes my right lower back would ache and my right big toe would swell, become red, and be very sore. I would soak my foot in an herbal tea to help ease the inflamation. Therefore, I spent more time engaged in corrective exercise and slow moving type exercise such as Feldenkrais and Qigong to realign my pelvis. Think of driving your car with the front end out of alignment. It may pull the car to the right or left. Then observe that the tires wear down on the side the steering pulls towards and also observe how much more energy it takes to drive. The longer the drive the more you will notice muscles of the shoulders and neck becoming sore and tired. In other words, overworked. Do this for 20 years and you set yourself up for greater risk for more serious injury. Please note that crawling is the very best exercise especially for infants and toddlers in order to properly develop the spinal curves and integration of the brain's hemispheres. Proper development equals greater learning, creativity, athleticism and ease of communicating thoughts into words. Let your child develop at his or her own pace. The child will learn to walk in accordance with their needs and process. To get involved and push them quicker is a mistake. They should be on the floor and Earth crawling as often as possible.
The Squat-Before a baby starts walking they will learn how to sit, crawl and then Squat. Squatting is so primal because it is part of proper defecation during bowl movements. It stimulates proper pumping mechanisms within the pelvic and diaphragmatic cavities. It keeps proper tone and neuro firing of the transverse abdominal muscles as well as spinal stabilizer muscles to prevent back injury and spinal degeneration. If you are walking your exercise program would best include learning how to restore proper squatting with weights and just body weight. The Chinese Wall Squat is a superb way to restore this pattern.
The Lunge-After learning the squat comes the lunge. It is also a natural progression from the crawl, squat and gait patterns. It is important because when we walk 80-85% of the time we are on one foot! Getting in a car door requires the lunge pattern. Climbing up and down stairs is the lunge pattern. Often one starts off with a split squat lunge exercise and builds up to walking lunges and then dynamic lunges.
The Bend-Bending at the hip joint or hip socket is of paramount importance to a healthy back. Most back injuries are often due to improper function and /or balance of the bend pattern. This pattern is also referred to as back and hip disassociation. The head of the thigh bone, the femur, must be able to move freely in the hip socket to a certain range of motion anterior and posterior before the pelvis rotates causing the spine to flex or hyperextend. This movement also involves the proper functioning of the psoas muscle which is implicated in numerous health issues from digestion, headaches to rotation in the pelvis and therefore problems with improper gait injuries.
Twist-Have you ever watched a baby on the floor grabbing and twisting with such fluidity? Where did it go? Well where ever it went, it can be resurrected with proper training. Proper core twisting involves the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles and we want to integrate the core with our extremities while in a 3 dimensionally free space. We want to engage in twisting patterns that are required by the demands of how we live our life. Getting in the car requires not only the lunge pattern but also a twisting pattern.
Push and Pull Patterns-Opening and closing doors requires this pattern as does holding a baby in one hand and pushing a carriage in the other or climbing a tree (which is also crawling and gait) or slapping a puck into the net! Most of our pushing and pulling for instinctual survival requires us to be standing on our two feet and most often on one foot. Therefore, all of the primal movement patterns require us to use free weights and cables to mimic real life. We don't push heavy weights lying on a bench in real life. Think again about getting into a car which is a pull, lunge and twist pattern. What machine trains that?
All of these patterns are those that we required to live closely and survive in nature. Our modern way of living has disrupted our primal instincts to move across the unpredictable plane of the Earth. Restoring these patterns will invigorate your body's instincts and confidence in this world. When you learn to exercise and move your body above and beyond the requirements of how you live then activities in life becomes easier and more joyful. And it is a joy for me to teach you how to do it.
Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Monday, January 10, 2011
Movement that Matters
I'm using the title from the book Movement that Matters by Paul Chek because it has great significance. I observe dozens of people performing exercises that have minimal carry over to how they live their life and more importantly exercise that takes away health. Yes your 1 hour 3X per week aerobic class just might be causing you to be more stressed out and depleted in the long run. And more stress results in decreased vitality, aesthetics, and performance in work, sport and leisure activities. This also applies to the strength training guru's who belt out endless reps with the barbell not knowing that exercise actually depletes our body and it is the resting phase with proper nutrition that builds our body. Thus they may look good but their inner physiological health is plummeting. If we are already depleted these types of exercises will only deplete us unless we understand some basic principles.
Basically there are two types of exercise:
Energy Going Out type such as weight lifting, Zumba, Cross-Fit, Peak 8, spinning class, most pilates classes, aerobics, the dreaded treadmill or elliptical machines, or just jogging, long challenging hikes, swimming, ice hockey, skiing etc...This is why it is often referred to as 'working out'. That's a correct phrase because with these types of exercise they cost you energy! If you go in feeling tired and already depleted this type of exercise will only deplete you more in the long run. That is because they stimulate the sympathetic nervous system or 'fight or flight' emergency response. During these exercises powerful hormones such as cortisol are released into the blood stream and you get an exercise induced drug high which one assumes is a good thing. It is an illusion! Just like a cup of coffee is used to get you moving you are actually needing something to stimulate you because you are depleted underneath. Whipping a dead horse is not going to bring home the trophy. Dr Larry Wilson says "Do not exercise to feel good rather exercise because you feel good!" What he means is reduce the amount of Energy Going Out exercise that you do and start doing more Energy Going In type as described below. Consider this the Western Philosophy of Exercise.
Energy Going In type such as Yoga, Tai Chi-Qigong, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, even some forms of corrective functional exercise, Brain Gym, even meditation, journaling, drawing, gardening, conscious breath work, gentle rebounding and a hot infrared sauna are forms of movements that exercise our being without depleting us. With these exercises the focus is slow conscious and deliberate movements that bring you into your body. They require your full participation and concentration. These type of movements stimulate and strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system or the 'rest and digest' system. The phrase here is "The slower you go the more Chi or Energy will flow!" Consider this the Eastern Philosophy of Exercise.
You can also use the money analogy; Are you in the red or black? If you are spending more money than you have you are operating with a 'burn rate'. If you keep spending more than you are earning you are sure to hit a crisis or eventually bottom out. With health and fitness bottoming out is usually fatigue, reduced sexual energy, a greater risk for injury-even away from the gym, and of course aggravation or new diagnosis of a chronic illness. I'm not against exercise at all, in fact I am more for movements that really matter and bring our nervous system and body back into the black. Then we have established an energy savings account to draw on. In other words, we have something to give without needing anything in return.
Remember our current modern way of living is almost 100% sympathetically stimulating. I'll bet you didn't know that watching TV is actually stimulating your adrenal glands and creating stress even though it appears relaxing. The only exception is programs that make you laugh really hard to the point of tears.
In my next blog, I will continue with the 7 Primal Movements that Matter.
Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Basically there are two types of exercise:
Energy Going Out type such as weight lifting, Zumba, Cross-Fit, Peak 8, spinning class, most pilates classes, aerobics, the dreaded treadmill or elliptical machines, or just jogging, long challenging hikes, swimming, ice hockey, skiing etc...This is why it is often referred to as 'working out'. That's a correct phrase because with these types of exercise they cost you energy! If you go in feeling tired and already depleted this type of exercise will only deplete you more in the long run. That is because they stimulate the sympathetic nervous system or 'fight or flight' emergency response. During these exercises powerful hormones such as cortisol are released into the blood stream and you get an exercise induced drug high which one assumes is a good thing. It is an illusion! Just like a cup of coffee is used to get you moving you are actually needing something to stimulate you because you are depleted underneath. Whipping a dead horse is not going to bring home the trophy. Dr Larry Wilson says "Do not exercise to feel good rather exercise because you feel good!" What he means is reduce the amount of Energy Going Out exercise that you do and start doing more Energy Going In type as described below. Consider this the Western Philosophy of Exercise.
Energy Going In type such as Yoga, Tai Chi-Qigong, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, even some forms of corrective functional exercise, Brain Gym, even meditation, journaling, drawing, gardening, conscious breath work, gentle rebounding and a hot infrared sauna are forms of movements that exercise our being without depleting us. With these exercises the focus is slow conscious and deliberate movements that bring you into your body. They require your full participation and concentration. These type of movements stimulate and strengthen the parasympathetic nervous system or the 'rest and digest' system. The phrase here is "The slower you go the more Chi or Energy will flow!" Consider this the Eastern Philosophy of Exercise.
You can also use the money analogy; Are you in the red or black? If you are spending more money than you have you are operating with a 'burn rate'. If you keep spending more than you are earning you are sure to hit a crisis or eventually bottom out. With health and fitness bottoming out is usually fatigue, reduced sexual energy, a greater risk for injury-even away from the gym, and of course aggravation or new diagnosis of a chronic illness. I'm not against exercise at all, in fact I am more for movements that really matter and bring our nervous system and body back into the black. Then we have established an energy savings account to draw on. In other words, we have something to give without needing anything in return.
Remember our current modern way of living is almost 100% sympathetically stimulating. I'll bet you didn't know that watching TV is actually stimulating your adrenal glands and creating stress even though it appears relaxing. The only exception is programs that make you laugh really hard to the point of tears.
In my next blog, I will continue with the 7 Primal Movements that Matter.
Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Thursday, January 6, 2011
10 steps to Nourish Your Beingness
This blog is to set you on the path to well being. Before the 10 steps lets establish the concept of well being. The language has been set that well being is not the absence of symptoms but the alignment, balance and harmony between your Spirit, Mind and Body. These are inseparable, therefore, when you nourish one aspect of your self then the whole self responds. Therefore, when you think of increasing well being you are actually thinking "what aspect of my being requires nourishment?" In the human game we are only concerned about health, wealth, and loving relationships. Health is of the body, wealth is of the mind and loving relationships is spirit. To engage in any improvements of health, healing or well being I believe Spirit always comes first. A loving relationship with your true nature and applied to listening and taking care of your body. This includes your brain, nerves, liver, immune system, etc... In our culture health is very superficial with an external focus. However, understand that if you optimize the inner workings of your body, mind and spirit then the external world will be the mirror as such.
Here are 10 steps to consider:
1. Something is missing in your life. Spend enough quite time with your self in stillness and silence and ask "What is missing in my life?" and "What is missing in my Love?" This is to identify with Spirit and a loving relationship with your self.
2. Something is in your life that has to go. Again as in step one, step two is similar yet the intent is to identify the people, places and things that you have outgrown and are now in the way by taking up valuable real estate in your being. Out with the old, boring, familiar in order to make room for the new, unknown, aliveness and growth.
3. Your spirit or loving relationship with your body by meeting its nutritional needs is the ultimate expression of gratitude for life. To disrespect your body is to disrespect life. Love Your Body. .There are many philosophies, diets, guide you. I suggest you add in more raw saturated fats and bacteria. I suggest this because they are the two biggest nutritional phobias of our time. Lacking in utilizable saturated fat creates havoc on our well being because fat signals to our pituitary that life is good, I am safe, satisfied and protected biochemically. Bacteria on the other hand are what we are made up of. For every 1 human gene or DNA there is 9 bacterial genes or DNA. We are literally 90-99% Bacteria/Microorganisms and 1-10% Human! To be at war with nature (which is what the FDA, AMA, USDA, CDC, and Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food Processing Industries want) is to be at war with ourselves. If we fear nature then we will attack nature at all costs-this includes our human body even other peoples bodies! Add bacteria into your body, play with dirt, throw out all your anti-bacterial soaps, chemical house cleaners, and personal care items-especially make-up and under arm deodorants. Replace with more natural products. For example: Best hair shampoo is raw eggs lightly blended and massaged into your hair and scalp. Let sit for 5 minutes then rinse. Secondly, if you live on municipal water get at the very least an exceptionally high quality shower filter or a whole household filtration system. Chlorine kills bacteria! It kills it on your skin and in your body. Drink natural spring water in a glass bottle. Avoid foods in any packaging especially aluminum, Styrofoam and plastic as well as foods cooked or heated in microwave ovens. Consume more raw and/or living foods.
4. Create the space for intimate relationships with others. This take two to tango! If your lover, partner, friend, sibling, co-worker, boss, etc... are not interested then get them out of your life quickly. Having an adult relationship requires and intimate relationship based on Emotional Honesty, Mutual Respect, practicing Authenticity, freedom, trust, etc...If you have given yourself away to the people in your life it will most likely be met with resistance unless they are willing to participate in the 'growing' up of your attitude and personal power.
5. Move your creative self. Most people I know are at their most Joyful when creating something! Even more so when creatively expressing their inner most experiences of life, love, health, and humanness. For me playing percussion for the Berkshire Bateria is one aspect of my creative self that comes alive and nourishes my whole being in Spirit, Mind and Body. The body is the instrument of the mind and the mind is the instrument of the Soul. Therefore, your body is always expressing your concept of Soul. Do you have SOUL?
6. Give back in time or money to others no matter what you current circumstances represent. Giving back is that little child inside that is always asking "Can I help?" Children naturally want to help because it the true nature of the Universe through our human experience. It is often shut down when parents do not let us help or we are even shamed for this naturalness. Do something of a good deed. In fact simply tune your mind into looking for an opportunity to help someone. It might be as simple as opening up a door for someone, smiling at someone, or offering a pray to someone in need.
7. Set GOALS. In the human game the mind is a Goal seeking machine. Without a target to aim at the mind will be scattered or life will be the mechanical experience like a hamster on a wheel or living among the 'rat race'. With intrinsic Goals you set course for conscious growth.
8. Establish a community of support with those who are dedicated to personal growth and self development. Like cures like. If you want to change yet remain with the same mediocre attitude of current associates change will be long, hard, and most often futile. This is the Mastermind Principle to success as explained by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich. I have three or four communities. The Berkshire Bateria, Berkshire Functional Fitness, Monthly artist expression group In Words-Out Words, and The Make It Happen Prosperity Group.
9. Who is your mentor, coach, etc..? Everyone requires expert counsel! Everyone! No exceptions. If you feel stuck or buried in self doubt then get the phone out for expert advice, guidance or other. Again I have several, Spiritual Teacher Leonard Orr, Nutritional Support in Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD, and Rachel Murphy for social marketing and moral support to write.
10. Organize your home, work and car environment to be inspiring, organized, and functionally efficient. This is my most important one at this time since I am very influenced and easily distracted in my environment. A seed planted in the wrong soil and environmental conditions can never grow and produce an abundant harvest. You are a seed planted on the Earth and you have seeds of ideas that require the correct environment to flourish with ease!
Lastly, our US Constitution is being politically ignored and down right disrespected in order to satisfy big business and secure profits and power to the few. Our food chain is quickly becoming socialized by Monsanto, Dow Industries, and Pharmaceutical Companies. "When one controls the food they control the people!" Therefore, remember you are a politician! You are the government and you determine the course of this world and humanity by how you live. To live with indifference is a Spiritual disease! To sit back and complain that the world and our political climate is wrong or unfair is the expression of your Soul wanting others to change. Gandhi said "You must Be The Change" and that is how important your life is-you are the Change and you are the C.U.R.E. Therefore, get inspired, informed and involved in being the change. I can only due my part.
Until we meet, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Here are 10 steps to consider:
1. Something is missing in your life. Spend enough quite time with your self in stillness and silence and ask "What is missing in my life?" and "What is missing in my Love?" This is to identify with Spirit and a loving relationship with your self.
2. Something is in your life that has to go. Again as in step one, step two is similar yet the intent is to identify the people, places and things that you have outgrown and are now in the way by taking up valuable real estate in your being. Out with the old, boring, familiar in order to make room for the new, unknown, aliveness and growth.
3. Your spirit or loving relationship with your body by meeting its nutritional needs is the ultimate expression of gratitude for life. To disrespect your body is to disrespect life. Love Your Body. .There are many philosophies, diets, guide you. I suggest you add in more raw saturated fats and bacteria. I suggest this because they are the two biggest nutritional phobias of our time. Lacking in utilizable saturated fat creates havoc on our well being because fat signals to our pituitary that life is good, I am safe, satisfied and protected biochemically. Bacteria on the other hand are what we are made up of. For every 1 human gene or DNA there is 9 bacterial genes or DNA. We are literally 90-99% Bacteria/Microorganisms and 1-10% Human! To be at war with nature (which is what the FDA, AMA, USDA, CDC, and Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food Processing Industries want) is to be at war with ourselves. If we fear nature then we will attack nature at all costs-this includes our human body even other peoples bodies! Add bacteria into your body, play with dirt, throw out all your anti-bacterial soaps, chemical house cleaners, and personal care items-especially make-up and under arm deodorants. Replace with more natural products. For example: Best hair shampoo is raw eggs lightly blended and massaged into your hair and scalp. Let sit for 5 minutes then rinse. Secondly, if you live on municipal water get at the very least an exceptionally high quality shower filter or a whole household filtration system. Chlorine kills bacteria! It kills it on your skin and in your body. Drink natural spring water in a glass bottle. Avoid foods in any packaging especially aluminum, Styrofoam and plastic as well as foods cooked or heated in microwave ovens. Consume more raw and/or living foods.
4. Create the space for intimate relationships with others. This take two to tango! If your lover, partner, friend, sibling, co-worker, boss, etc... are not interested then get them out of your life quickly. Having an adult relationship requires and intimate relationship based on Emotional Honesty, Mutual Respect, practicing Authenticity, freedom, trust, etc...If you have given yourself away to the people in your life it will most likely be met with resistance unless they are willing to participate in the 'growing' up of your attitude and personal power.
5. Move your creative self. Most people I know are at their most Joyful when creating something! Even more so when creatively expressing their inner most experiences of life, love, health, and humanness. For me playing percussion for the Berkshire Bateria is one aspect of my creative self that comes alive and nourishes my whole being in Spirit, Mind and Body. The body is the instrument of the mind and the mind is the instrument of the Soul. Therefore, your body is always expressing your concept of Soul. Do you have SOUL?
6. Give back in time or money to others no matter what you current circumstances represent. Giving back is that little child inside that is always asking "Can I help?" Children naturally want to help because it the true nature of the Universe through our human experience. It is often shut down when parents do not let us help or we are even shamed for this naturalness. Do something of a good deed. In fact simply tune your mind into looking for an opportunity to help someone. It might be as simple as opening up a door for someone, smiling at someone, or offering a pray to someone in need.
7. Set GOALS. In the human game the mind is a Goal seeking machine. Without a target to aim at the mind will be scattered or life will be the mechanical experience like a hamster on a wheel or living among the 'rat race'. With intrinsic Goals you set course for conscious growth.
8. Establish a community of support with those who are dedicated to personal growth and self development. Like cures like. If you want to change yet remain with the same mediocre attitude of current associates change will be long, hard, and most often futile. This is the Mastermind Principle to success as explained by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich. I have three or four communities. The Berkshire Bateria, Berkshire Functional Fitness, Monthly artist expression group In Words-Out Words, and The Make It Happen Prosperity Group.
9. Who is your mentor, coach, etc..? Everyone requires expert counsel! Everyone! No exceptions. If you feel stuck or buried in self doubt then get the phone out for expert advice, guidance or other. Again I have several, Spiritual Teacher Leonard Orr, Nutritional Support in Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD, and Rachel Murphy for social marketing and moral support to write.
10. Organize your home, work and car environment to be inspiring, organized, and functionally efficient. This is my most important one at this time since I am very influenced and easily distracted in my environment. A seed planted in the wrong soil and environmental conditions can never grow and produce an abundant harvest. You are a seed planted on the Earth and you have seeds of ideas that require the correct environment to flourish with ease!
Lastly, our US Constitution is being politically ignored and down right disrespected in order to satisfy big business and secure profits and power to the few. Our food chain is quickly becoming socialized by Monsanto, Dow Industries, and Pharmaceutical Companies. "When one controls the food they control the people!" Therefore, remember you are a politician! You are the government and you determine the course of this world and humanity by how you live. To live with indifference is a Spiritual disease! To sit back and complain that the world and our political climate is wrong or unfair is the expression of your Soul wanting others to change. Gandhi said "You must Be The Change" and that is how important your life is-you are the Change and you are the C.U.R.E. Therefore, get inspired, informed and involved in being the change. I can only due my part.
Until we meet, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A Clean Slate
The ending of 2010 brings with it a new beginning or a clean slate to start living our own lives. We usually jump out of the starting gate with great intentions, excitement for the newness, open minded to possibilities and yet we flounder, trip, and fall back to old habits within a month. Why does this happen? Do we set ourselves up to fail by setting our goals to high or unrealistically? Are we attempting our transformation all on our own? Do we really have a clean slate or is our conditioning still with us? This conditioning is the habits created in the past and will continue until those habits are replaced with different habits. The toughest habits are those that have been charged with emotion, therefore a habit created to deflect from feeling emotional discomforts will have the most power over our ability to change them. Thus when we want to make a real change we will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable. These uncomfortable feelings are not really happening because they are only a memory of the old feelings that have been suppressed, self medicated or sugar coated in order to just get by. If you understand that these feelings and/or thoughts are the old conditioning then you might be in a better position to take that next tiny little step towards your goal. Make that phone call, say yes when you would normally say no, step away from the coffee, cigarette, booze, and other hedonistic instant gratification that leads to emptiness. So, how do you do it? Awareness! Awareness that you are feeling the uncomfortableness-even just thinking about making the change. With awareness, you access your power of free will and the power of choice. Yes, you now have conscious control of your mind to make the choice that will create transformation. Transformation is conscious change. Change is always occurring but transformation is optional and requires your conscious efforts through the power of choice. The power of choice becomes much easier when you have firmly and tangibly established and written out your goals along with the bit size milestones to reach along the way. A great example of this is a professional football team. Their Goal is to win the Superbowl. A bit size milestone is to win the weekly game. Furthermore, they break down the milestones into daily tasks. So the formula is GOALS-MILESTONES-DAILY DOABLE TASKS-REASSESS GOALS-MILESTONES-DAILY TASKS, REPEAT...
In this process it is reasonable to consider that our old habits will be hard to break. If we remain persistent with our daily tasks then success is inevitable. If we fall of the wagon and into habits of distraction then read your goals, contact your mentor/coach or get the phone out for moral support from people who will kick you in the ass or give you a big hug in order to move through the emotional turbulence. Sometimes doing nothing helps while screaming violently out loud also helps! There are many tools to assist you here are couple that might be useful:
Emotional Response Technique: write for 10 minutes only. Then re-read each sentence out loud. If it is a negative statement then flip it into a positive statement. Read it out loud 3-5times. Then move onto the next sentence. If it is a question, then take the time to answer that question by writing for 2 minutes only. Then go through the answer to determine if there is a negative statement to be flipped into a positive statement. Read that out loud and return to your original draft. Continue until you have processed all negative statements into positive ones and answered any questions. This will raise your vibration through the element of mind.
Toning: Using your voice to tone the letters of the alphabet A E I O U also OM and AH Toning is a form of singing yet is powerful way to get back to your inner voice and raise your bodily vibration quickly. Do this for 10-15 minutes. Here you will be utilizing the element of Earth.
Conscious Breathing: Get comfortable and focus on your breath for 15minutes. Make an effort on the inhale and then just let the exhale go. Keep your conscious awareness on the movement of your breath. There are many types of breathing exercises that can work equally as well. This is the Air Element.
Laugh: Laughter can move anyone into a stat of high vibration because it is reflective of internal Joy. Laugh out loud! Smile, make silly faces, etc... Look up some jokes online or a video on comedians. Comic relief can move us through emotions very quickly and without any pain. In fact you are telling yourself that Joy is much more important than the old conditioning of 'no pain no gain'.
So you want to transform or manifest something in 2011? Start living as though you have already transformed or manifested that which you desire. Where it appears there is an ending there is always a new beginning. Each day that ends bring a new beginning tomorrow. Just reassure yourself that you did you best today, the very best you know how within your own level of humanness. Be kind, compassionate, and aware this year and celebrate the small victories.
Until we meet, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
In this process it is reasonable to consider that our old habits will be hard to break. If we remain persistent with our daily tasks then success is inevitable. If we fall of the wagon and into habits of distraction then read your goals, contact your mentor/coach or get the phone out for moral support from people who will kick you in the ass or give you a big hug in order to move through the emotional turbulence. Sometimes doing nothing helps while screaming violently out loud also helps! There are many tools to assist you here are couple that might be useful:
Emotional Response Technique: write for 10 minutes only. Then re-read each sentence out loud. If it is a negative statement then flip it into a positive statement. Read it out loud 3-5times. Then move onto the next sentence. If it is a question, then take the time to answer that question by writing for 2 minutes only. Then go through the answer to determine if there is a negative statement to be flipped into a positive statement. Read that out loud and return to your original draft. Continue until you have processed all negative statements into positive ones and answered any questions. This will raise your vibration through the element of mind.
Toning: Using your voice to tone the letters of the alphabet A E I O U also OM and AH Toning is a form of singing yet is powerful way to get back to your inner voice and raise your bodily vibration quickly. Do this for 10-15 minutes. Here you will be utilizing the element of Earth.
Conscious Breathing: Get comfortable and focus on your breath for 15minutes. Make an effort on the inhale and then just let the exhale go. Keep your conscious awareness on the movement of your breath. There are many types of breathing exercises that can work equally as well. This is the Air Element.
Laugh: Laughter can move anyone into a stat of high vibration because it is reflective of internal Joy. Laugh out loud! Smile, make silly faces, etc... Look up some jokes online or a video on comedians. Comic relief can move us through emotions very quickly and without any pain. In fact you are telling yourself that Joy is much more important than the old conditioning of 'no pain no gain'.
So you want to transform or manifest something in 2011? Start living as though you have already transformed or manifested that which you desire. Where it appears there is an ending there is always a new beginning. Each day that ends bring a new beginning tomorrow. Just reassure yourself that you did you best today, the very best you know how within your own level of humanness. Be kind, compassionate, and aware this year and celebrate the small victories.
Until we meet, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
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