Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturated Fat

I continue to read and hear how people are still afraid of consuming saturated fats to the point of a national phobia about these extremely dense macro-utrients. Where did all this fear come from? At the turn of the 19th Century saturated fat was consumed liberally. The medical science continues to blame saturated fats for all kinds of health related issues especially heart disease, high cholesterol, and obesity. Yet other independent researches completely debunk their 'lipid' hypothesis. The famous Framingham Heart Study flop concluded that there was no significant findings correlating animal fat or protein intake to CVD, cholesterol, or obesity/weight gain. Basically the scientists buried this report because they were actually looking for animal fats to be the culprit. Here is the saying "doctors (literally) bury their mistakes and researchers bury outcomes they don't expect and don't welcome." We would have to follow the money trail as to who was paying for the study and wanting a specific outcome. In general, the massive Food Processing industry was interested in blaming animal products to make more profits on their fake fats such as Crisco Shortening, Margarine, and all the rancid vegetable oils, especially soy bean oil and corn oil. If you don't know this, soy oil was first manufactured for the paint industry and was never intended for human consumption. That's because it is not for human consumption. If people became afraid and believe that animal fats caused heart disease then these people would all go for these manufactured fake foods. And that is exactly what happened. Now even most of the alternative health practitioners promote consuming not more than 10% saturated fat and ideally minimal! Where did they learn that figure? It is actually a fictitious number pulled out of thin air. There is no real science proving limiting your saturated fat to less than 10% to prevent heart disease. The native Alaskan Eskimo consumes up to 80% of their diet from animal fat-and has zero heart disease. Yet, it has been proven that the trans fats created in the process of manufacturing does increase heart disease! Like any other business, the food manufacturers of fake fats put on an incredible marketing campaign first to influence people to believe that animal fats are bad and dangerous to health and secondly by employing celebrities, doctors, promote their products as health promoting! Thus, people have been duped in the name of profits. Tropical oils such as coconut oil, which is 92% saturated fats, were culprits in the 1980's to the food manufactures marketing scandal. Because of this restaurants changed over to using the fake fats and rancid cheap vegetable oils for deep frying, stir frying and baking goods to the detriment of peoples health. Thus today, we are a society that is extremely phobic about consuming animal fats and all types of saturated fats.

If you really want to reduce and eliminate your risks of heart disease and obesity, I suggest you avoid fats and foods that are marketed as a health food or 'heart health' and consume fats that are marketed as bad for health. That means eat more organic raw butter, coconuts, coconut cream, virgin unrefined organic coconut oils, avocados, eat olives, organic preferably raw milks and cheeses and organic-preferably grass fed animal fats and proteins.

For more information on the science of saturated fats please read "Know Your Fats" by Mary Enig.

Until we met, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,


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