This blog is to set you on the path to well being. Before the 10 steps lets establish the concept of well being. The language has been set that well being is not the absence of symptoms but the alignment, balance and harmony between your Spirit, Mind and Body. These are inseparable, therefore, when you nourish one aspect of your self then the whole self responds. Therefore, when you think of increasing well being you are actually thinking "what aspect of my being requires nourishment?" In the human game we are only concerned about health, wealth, and loving relationships. Health is of the body, wealth is of the mind and loving relationships is spirit. To engage in any improvements of health, healing or well being I believe Spirit always comes first. A loving relationship with your true nature and applied to listening and taking care of your body. This includes your brain, nerves, liver, immune system, etc... In our culture health is very superficial with an external focus. However, understand that if you optimize the inner workings of your body, mind and spirit then the external world will be the mirror as such.
Here are 10 steps to consider:
1. Something is missing in your life. Spend enough quite time with your self in stillness and silence and ask "What is missing in my life?" and "What is missing in my Love?" This is to identify with Spirit and a loving relationship with your self.
2. Something is in your life that has to go. Again as in step one, step two is similar yet the intent is to identify the people, places and things that you have outgrown and are now in the way by taking up valuable real estate in your being. Out with the old, boring, familiar in order to make room for the new, unknown, aliveness and growth.
3. Your spirit or loving relationship with your body by meeting its nutritional needs is the ultimate expression of gratitude for life. To disrespect your body is to disrespect life. Love Your Body. .There are many philosophies, diets, guide you. I suggest you add in more raw saturated fats and bacteria. I suggest this because they are the two biggest nutritional phobias of our time. Lacking in utilizable saturated fat creates havoc on our well being because fat signals to our pituitary that life is good, I am safe, satisfied and protected biochemically. Bacteria on the other hand are what we are made up of. For every 1 human gene or DNA there is 9 bacterial genes or DNA. We are literally 90-99% Bacteria/Microorganisms and 1-10% Human! To be at war with nature (which is what the FDA, AMA, USDA, CDC, and Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food Processing Industries want) is to be at war with ourselves. If we fear nature then we will attack nature at all costs-this includes our human body even other peoples bodies! Add bacteria into your body, play with dirt, throw out all your anti-bacterial soaps, chemical house cleaners, and personal care items-especially make-up and under arm deodorants. Replace with more natural products. For example: Best hair shampoo is raw eggs lightly blended and massaged into your hair and scalp. Let sit for 5 minutes then rinse. Secondly, if you live on municipal water get at the very least an exceptionally high quality shower filter or a whole household filtration system. Chlorine kills bacteria! It kills it on your skin and in your body. Drink natural spring water in a glass bottle. Avoid foods in any packaging especially aluminum, Styrofoam and plastic as well as foods cooked or heated in microwave ovens. Consume more raw and/or living foods.
4. Create the space for intimate relationships with others. This take two to tango! If your lover, partner, friend, sibling, co-worker, boss, etc... are not interested then get them out of your life quickly. Having an adult relationship requires and intimate relationship based on Emotional Honesty, Mutual Respect, practicing Authenticity, freedom, trust, etc...If you have given yourself away to the people in your life it will most likely be met with resistance unless they are willing to participate in the 'growing' up of your attitude and personal power.
5. Move your creative self. Most people I know are at their most Joyful when creating something! Even more so when creatively expressing their inner most experiences of life, love, health, and humanness. For me playing percussion for the Berkshire Bateria is one aspect of my creative self that comes alive and nourishes my whole being in Spirit, Mind and Body. The body is the instrument of the mind and the mind is the instrument of the Soul. Therefore, your body is always expressing your concept of Soul. Do you have SOUL?
6. Give back in time or money to others no matter what you current circumstances represent. Giving back is that little child inside that is always asking "Can I help?" Children naturally want to help because it the true nature of the Universe through our human experience. It is often shut down when parents do not let us help or we are even shamed for this naturalness. Do something of a good deed. In fact simply tune your mind into looking for an opportunity to help someone. It might be as simple as opening up a door for someone, smiling at someone, or offering a pray to someone in need.
7. Set GOALS. In the human game the mind is a Goal seeking machine. Without a target to aim at the mind will be scattered or life will be the mechanical experience like a hamster on a wheel or living among the 'rat race'. With intrinsic Goals you set course for conscious growth.
8. Establish a community of support with those who are dedicated to personal growth and self development. Like cures like. If you want to change yet remain with the same mediocre attitude of current associates change will be long, hard, and most often futile. This is the Mastermind Principle to success as explained by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich. I have three or four communities. The Berkshire Bateria, Berkshire Functional Fitness, Monthly artist expression group In Words-Out Words, and The Make It Happen Prosperity Group.
9. Who is your mentor, coach, etc..? Everyone requires expert counsel! Everyone! No exceptions. If you feel stuck or buried in self doubt then get the phone out for expert advice, guidance or other. Again I have several, Spiritual Teacher Leonard Orr, Nutritional Support in Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD, and Rachel Murphy for social marketing and moral support to write.
10. Organize your home, work and car environment to be inspiring, organized, and functionally efficient. This is my most important one at this time since I am very influenced and easily distracted in my environment. A seed planted in the wrong soil and environmental conditions can never grow and produce an abundant harvest. You are a seed planted on the Earth and you have seeds of ideas that require the correct environment to flourish with ease!
Lastly, our US Constitution is being politically ignored and down right disrespected in order to satisfy big business and secure profits and power to the few. Our food chain is quickly becoming socialized by Monsanto, Dow Industries, and Pharmaceutical Companies. "When one controls the food they control the people!" Therefore, remember you are a politician! You are the government and you determine the course of this world and humanity by how you live. To live with indifference is a Spiritual disease! To sit back and complain that the world and our political climate is wrong or unfair is the expression of your Soul wanting others to change. Gandhi said "You must Be The Change" and that is how important your life is-you are the Change and you are the C.U.R.E. Therefore, get inspired, informed and involved in being the change. I can only due my part.
Until we meet, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in,
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