When you begin the quest to procure information for health and healing who do you trust? In my case I had a terminal form of cancer and there is literally hundreds of ways I could have gone about creating a healthful body/mind. What I learned was that every single practitioner from the medical doctor, the nutritionist, the health educator, the retreat center, the faith healers, etc... that they are all right. Each person, place or thing such as magic water, essential oil or super food, will illustrate that they have your answers. They do so by backing themselves up with academic knowledge and acronyms beside their names. They do so by hanging all their certifications, diplomas, and degrees on their office wall. They do so by sharing with you all the testimonials and scientific studies that validates their product or services in hopes of influencing you to not only inquire about their business but also market in such a way to call to take action. Being in a vulnerable place, your feelings will govern or even override any reasoning and you then become lost in the information because you have forgotten that the only one who has the truth is you.
Therefore, it is wise even prudent to come in contact with your truth before action. The truth that I anchored in first was I had to learn how to use nutrition and movement to improve my wellbeing. I then seeked out mentors/teachers in those fields who I imagined represented optimal health and healing. In other words, I had created a picture of what health would look like and feel like and hired practitioners that represented that picture. Pretty logical which meant that I was innately able to access my mental capacity to reason even if my body was experiencing feelings of fear, frustration and sadness.
Here is how I came to trust my own inner voice.
In April of 2000, I found myself in a gun club taking a 'gun safety' class. I was doing this so I could gain access to a pistol in order to end the inner turmoil and suffering. I didn't want to end my life but wanted to end how I was experiencing life. After the lesson, I was free to use the facility for a nominal fee. Then one day the tension was so great that I went to the gun club and rented a semi-automatic pistol. All alone in the gun range my inner dialogue began. "Go ahead kill yourself-Do it" The other voice said "No-I want to live but not like this". "Then do it-end it right now" This inner dualistic battle went on for a few minutes until what seemed like a third voice said "If the two of you are going to argue back in forth why not take a shot at the target!" It was like a comercial break from my own dramatic sitcom. It sounded reasonable and I placed 100% of my focus on hitting the bulls eye and a magical experience occurred! With such intense focus, the target became so large it filled the whole room. It was as if the target was only a couple of feet in front of me. In that state of hyper focus, I seemed to have merged with the target and became conscious that all pain and suffering no longer existed. Yet I was still fully aware that I had a gun and was in a gun club range but the desire to end my life was gone. I had made conscious contact with my conscious self! I realized that my pain and suffering was because of either my inability to consciously be in the present moment or my resistance to the present moment. I further concluded that I was addicted to suffering as my experience of life. The cure for such addiction was not only learning to be in the present moment but also, learning to love myself. With such a joy filled insight, I emptied the gun's ammunition into the target. I looked at the gun and smile saying to myself "Guns do not kill but paradoxically can save lives-if one has the 'eye' to see. I concluded that I was looking at life through the eyes of duality or judgments and attachment (addiction) to my suffering and the present moment dissolves duality into oneness. My illness' were in some way a result of the separation from experiencing life in this state of conscious awareness and oneness.
After that experience I was guided to the book the Power of Now, authored by Eckhart Tolle. In May of 2000, I found myself in the psychiatric ward because I was still very unstable even after that experience. I admitted myself with the request that I simply had the need and desire to learn how to love myself. The psychiatrists smirked saying it was my mental bi-polar illness that was the problem and all that was needed was the right combination and dosage of medication. They didn't hear me at all. In that moment I was filled with so much anger and the feeling of abandonment from society. With so much fear and anger, my cancer returned the very next day proving to me that medicine offers fear rather than the love that I yearned for. In 7 days I left the ward, and through the use of the book the Power of Now I was able to here my inner voice on how to heal my soul and my cancer. I was able to trust myself and follow that trust to the people, places and things necessary for my full recovery. With in a few weeks, the practical how to answers to my cancer came to me.
Trust your inner intuitive voice and/or viseral gut instincts when seeking information and ask questions to satisfy your inner knowing of what you truly need in order to heal.
In my next blog, Step 3-Participation.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Step 2 - Information and Inspiration
The first step to curing anything is to be inspired.
In Wayne Dyer's words to be "In-Spirit". Now the second step is to get information for that which you are inspired about. What that means is get your faculties or mind on board. Take control of your mind and if you are truly inspired then this part is easier. The mind has two parts: the intellectual mind and the emotional mind or feelings.
We could simplify this into Intuition Mind and Instinctual Mind. What I did first was not believe what others were saying and instead created the belief that the cure exists! Much like Edison believed that the light bulb existed it was just a matter of time, trial and error to bring into reality that which he believed. On his 9,999 unsuccessful attempt he reasoned that he learned 9999 how not to create the light bulb. On the 10,000 attempt the light bulb was born.
After hearing the fate of my diagnosis, I arranged for a second opinion with Dr. Tak at the Brigham's and Women's Hospital in Boston. In that meeting he agreed with Dr. Cloud that I have a 50% chance of living and a 50% chance of dying. My perspective and reasoning suggested that I discard the thought that I have a 50% chance of dying-"What would I be left with?" Dr. Tak. responded "You would have a 50% chance of living!" I disagreed in saying "Not true! If in my minds eye there is no such thing as a 50% chance of dying that would leave me with 100% chance of living!"
In his mental defeat, he said "Dan, in my many years of treating patients with cancer, I have learned that it is 90% attitude and 10% showing up!" Intuitively, that was my first tangible answer to my cancer: ATTITUDE and attitude is of the mind and medicine can not cure anyone's attitude! From that moment, I established in my mind that I would bring the very best of myself to the process of discovering the cure much like Edison's attitude he expressed in the discovery of the light bulb. In the words of Bob Proctor "Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions." And Barry Neil Kaufman put it "attitude is everything you are thinking, feeling and doing in every moment."
Since we are blessed with the ability to control and guide our thoughts then we have total control of our ATTITUDE. At which point I extended gratitude to every one who was a part of my process. If anyone presented with a negative attitude, then they were fired! I made that very clear. I remember at one point that I had to stay in the hospital for 5 nights and I demanded a private room. I didn't want to be next to anyone who was literally dying or mentally dying. I wanted a private room so I could fill it with positive and life promoting thoughts. I occasionally made requests not to have certain nurses come into my room because I could instinctively feel their negativity. From that point on all the nurses brought their very best attitude into my process because of my attitude.
With such a positive attitude I was open minded and open hearted enough to receive information that might serve to cure my cancer. This meant being open to everything and anything-"Leave no stone unturned!" One day I was in a book store and came across the book by Tony Robins-Awaken the Giant Within-I flipped it open to a page and my intuitive eye caught the words "start doing the things you want to do." I closed the book and in April of 1994, I decided to take piano lessons because I love music and reasoned this would give my brain new information, new possibilities, and stimulate my creative self that was dormant for so long.
At that same time, I decided to voluntarily coach ice hockey for youths for two important reasons: I loved athletics-especially ice hockey and secondly it would be my way of giving back. There was another gem: PLAY AND GIVING BACK was an aspect of myself that was dormant.
Along the way, I wore the hat "Veni, Vidi, Vici-I came, I saw, I conquered" representing my attitude. And just as the light bulb exists today, I am alive and well because the cure exists. The next step to the cure is to Participate by learning to Do The CURE.
Until I write again, don't be afraid of negative thoughts, just flip any and all negative thoughts into their positive counter part and this you will be learning to master the principle of Relativity or Duality. Beauty is in the ugliness and ugliness is in the beauty.
In Wayne Dyer's words to be "In-Spirit". Now the second step is to get information for that which you are inspired about. What that means is get your faculties or mind on board. Take control of your mind and if you are truly inspired then this part is easier. The mind has two parts: the intellectual mind and the emotional mind or feelings.
We could simplify this into Intuition Mind and Instinctual Mind. What I did first was not believe what others were saying and instead created the belief that the cure exists! Much like Edison believed that the light bulb existed it was just a matter of time, trial and error to bring into reality that which he believed. On his 9,999 unsuccessful attempt he reasoned that he learned 9999 how not to create the light bulb. On the 10,000 attempt the light bulb was born.
After hearing the fate of my diagnosis, I arranged for a second opinion with Dr. Tak at the Brigham's and Women's Hospital in Boston. In that meeting he agreed with Dr. Cloud that I have a 50% chance of living and a 50% chance of dying. My perspective and reasoning suggested that I discard the thought that I have a 50% chance of dying-"What would I be left with?" Dr. Tak. responded "You would have a 50% chance of living!" I disagreed in saying "Not true! If in my minds eye there is no such thing as a 50% chance of dying that would leave me with 100% chance of living!"
In his mental defeat, he said "Dan, in my many years of treating patients with cancer, I have learned that it is 90% attitude and 10% showing up!" Intuitively, that was my first tangible answer to my cancer: ATTITUDE and attitude is of the mind and medicine can not cure anyone's attitude! From that moment, I established in my mind that I would bring the very best of myself to the process of discovering the cure much like Edison's attitude he expressed in the discovery of the light bulb. In the words of Bob Proctor "Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions." And Barry Neil Kaufman put it "attitude is everything you are thinking, feeling and doing in every moment."
Since we are blessed with the ability to control and guide our thoughts then we have total control of our ATTITUDE. At which point I extended gratitude to every one who was a part of my process. If anyone presented with a negative attitude, then they were fired! I made that very clear. I remember at one point that I had to stay in the hospital for 5 nights and I demanded a private room. I didn't want to be next to anyone who was literally dying or mentally dying. I wanted a private room so I could fill it with positive and life promoting thoughts. I occasionally made requests not to have certain nurses come into my room because I could instinctively feel their negativity. From that point on all the nurses brought their very best attitude into my process because of my attitude.
With such a positive attitude I was open minded and open hearted enough to receive information that might serve to cure my cancer. This meant being open to everything and anything-"Leave no stone unturned!" One day I was in a book store and came across the book by Tony Robins-Awaken the Giant Within-I flipped it open to a page and my intuitive eye caught the words "start doing the things you want to do." I closed the book and in April of 1994, I decided to take piano lessons because I love music and reasoned this would give my brain new information, new possibilities, and stimulate my creative self that was dormant for so long.
At that same time, I decided to voluntarily coach ice hockey for youths for two important reasons: I loved athletics-especially ice hockey and secondly it would be my way of giving back. There was another gem: PLAY AND GIVING BACK was an aspect of myself that was dormant.
Along the way, I wore the hat "Veni, Vidi, Vici-I came, I saw, I conquered" representing my attitude. And just as the light bulb exists today, I am alive and well because the cure exists. The next step to the cure is to Participate by learning to Do The CURE.
Until I write again, don't be afraid of negative thoughts, just flip any and all negative thoughts into their positive counter part and this you will be learning to master the principle of Relativity or Duality. Beauty is in the ugliness and ugliness is in the beauty.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
My Inspiration
On October 16, 1993 I married a woman that I imagined in 8th grade. I even drew silhouette type pictures on my book covers and desk tops of her as my ideal mate. At least in physical form. I even predicted that I would marry her by the age of 28 (and I did just that). Four months into our marriage, I found myself sitting across the desk from Dr. Lawrence Cloud, an expert oncologist with the Deaconess Hospital in Boston. At 28-years-old, I was there to receive my prognosis to a tissue biopsy done on a lymph node in my neck.
In a casual yet assertive manner, the first words out of Dr. Cloud's mouth were "Dan, How did you get into the business of cancer?" That question stopped me cold in my tracks. My entire past choices came flooding into my mind's eye. It showed me the behaviors of how I wronged myself and others. Drinking to get drunk, drugs to avoid the present moment and to self medicate, mental manipulation of many woman for sex, stealing, cheating and lying in order to just get by and survive. People pleasing in order to feel accepted, seeking outside validation for who I am and placing my joy into the people, places and things of this world. Therefore, happiness was only to be experienced when I got what I wanted and thus I became unhappy if I didn't get what I wanted. Essentially, I was sugar coating my life with the sweet things that the material world offered and self medicating to avoid emotionally maturing-i.e. growing up to become an interdependent productively loving and spiritually responsible adult. Instead, I was at best expressing and experiencing life as an emotionally dishonest co-dependent wounded adult.
I instantly knew that this cancer was the symptom of a much grander but simpler cause of my predicament. That being lacking in self-love and purpose and meaning in my life. Ironically, cancer taught me that it is okay, even beneficial to all to self love and cancer invited me to create and discover purpose and meaning for my life. I now perceive cancer is not a disease-it is a blessing, an opportunity, an invitation, a wonderful friend telling you not to drink and drive, and simply a mechanism by the intelligence of life to keep me alive long enough for me to wake up to living with consciousness.
So, my first inspiration came from Dr. Cloud in that I had a burning desire to fully answer that question "Dan, how did you get into the business of cancer?" Second inspiration was "If I could answer that question so completely I could not only lift myself up out of the grave but I could also help many others avoid the pitfalls of living an ignorant and arrogant lifestyle, such as the one I was living." Lastly, I wanted to live because I loved life and my wife at that time. I wanted to hold onto that wounded young 14 year old's image of his ideal woman.
There is tremendous energy and power in holding the vision of a beautiful woman in a man's eye. Any soldier in battle will attest that what gets them through it is their love of a woman. If a soldier is having his last breath, he says "tell my wife I loved her." Unfortunately, many soldiers returning home from their battle get the 'dear john' letter as their woman has uprooted for another man. This literally shreds a man's heart and the recovery is often futile. From 1994 to 1999, I had this terminal form of cancer return five times and pursued harsh medical treatments in order to buy me the time to figure out the answer to that powerful question. And in 1999 my wife gave me the 'dear john' letter and left for another man. Shock, abandonment, anger all become active and my cancer returned for a 6th time. It powerfully reminded me how I placed my joy and sense of self into the people, places and things of this world.
Thus I was left with how I really was experiencing life! Unhappy and ungrateful because I didn't have what I thought I wanted. I then gained another inspiration for living and that was to experience living authentically with inner joy and learn to self validate who I am and who I wish to become in this lifetime. In May of 2000, I left all medicine with tumors in my body. I recognized that in the loss of my health, wealth and loving relationship, of those three pillars to the human experience, health was the single most important factor. It was the foundation from which all others grow from. Since the medical model had exhausted their knowledge on how to manage my illness, I set course to cure it myself. In May of 2000 I left the medical model and I joined hands with Faith. Within five months I was cancer free and that was ten years ago. What an inspiration!
In my next blog-Step two towards curing cancer. Until then, what inspires you to live and love?
In a casual yet assertive manner, the first words out of Dr. Cloud's mouth were "Dan, How did you get into the business of cancer?" That question stopped me cold in my tracks. My entire past choices came flooding into my mind's eye. It showed me the behaviors of how I wronged myself and others. Drinking to get drunk, drugs to avoid the present moment and to self medicate, mental manipulation of many woman for sex, stealing, cheating and lying in order to just get by and survive. People pleasing in order to feel accepted, seeking outside validation for who I am and placing my joy into the people, places and things of this world. Therefore, happiness was only to be experienced when I got what I wanted and thus I became unhappy if I didn't get what I wanted. Essentially, I was sugar coating my life with the sweet things that the material world offered and self medicating to avoid emotionally maturing-i.e. growing up to become an interdependent productively loving and spiritually responsible adult. Instead, I was at best expressing and experiencing life as an emotionally dishonest co-dependent wounded adult.
I instantly knew that this cancer was the symptom of a much grander but simpler cause of my predicament. That being lacking in self-love and purpose and meaning in my life. Ironically, cancer taught me that it is okay, even beneficial to all to self love and cancer invited me to create and discover purpose and meaning for my life. I now perceive cancer is not a disease-it is a blessing, an opportunity, an invitation, a wonderful friend telling you not to drink and drive, and simply a mechanism by the intelligence of life to keep me alive long enough for me to wake up to living with consciousness.
So, my first inspiration came from Dr. Cloud in that I had a burning desire to fully answer that question "Dan, how did you get into the business of cancer?" Second inspiration was "If I could answer that question so completely I could not only lift myself up out of the grave but I could also help many others avoid the pitfalls of living an ignorant and arrogant lifestyle, such as the one I was living." Lastly, I wanted to live because I loved life and my wife at that time. I wanted to hold onto that wounded young 14 year old's image of his ideal woman.
There is tremendous energy and power in holding the vision of a beautiful woman in a man's eye. Any soldier in battle will attest that what gets them through it is their love of a woman. If a soldier is having his last breath, he says "tell my wife I loved her." Unfortunately, many soldiers returning home from their battle get the 'dear john' letter as their woman has uprooted for another man. This literally shreds a man's heart and the recovery is often futile. From 1994 to 1999, I had this terminal form of cancer return five times and pursued harsh medical treatments in order to buy me the time to figure out the answer to that powerful question. And in 1999 my wife gave me the 'dear john' letter and left for another man. Shock, abandonment, anger all become active and my cancer returned for a 6th time. It powerfully reminded me how I placed my joy and sense of self into the people, places and things of this world.
Thus I was left with how I really was experiencing life! Unhappy and ungrateful because I didn't have what I thought I wanted. I then gained another inspiration for living and that was to experience living authentically with inner joy and learn to self validate who I am and who I wish to become in this lifetime. In May of 2000, I left all medicine with tumors in my body. I recognized that in the loss of my health, wealth and loving relationship, of those three pillars to the human experience, health was the single most important factor. It was the foundation from which all others grow from. Since the medical model had exhausted their knowledge on how to manage my illness, I set course to cure it myself. In May of 2000 I left the medical model and I joined hands with Faith. Within five months I was cancer free and that was ten years ago. What an inspiration!
In my next blog-Step two towards curing cancer. Until then, what inspires you to live and love?
Monday, October 18, 2010
The First Step is Inspiration
Welcome! Do The CURE is the seed of my inspiration to create a national and even grow into an international organization bringing the awareness to individuals the potential of the human spirit to eradicate cancer by doing the CURE. Additionally, to provide information on why and how to CURE disease. Many people ask me "How did you CURE your terminal cancer?" I reply "First you must understand that I didn't set course to cure cancer but set course to cure the soul who was experiencing cancer. Cancer is and was not perceived by me as a disease but the symptom of the disease. Spiritually and idealisticly speaking disease was the unconscious disconnection to the source of life where my masculine and femine energies were experienced as separate. Psychologically, it was that aspect of self that sabotaged me from living authentically, emotionally honest, and the loss of conscious free will to exercise my power of choice and physiologically it was a loss of homeostasis due to deficiency and toxicity (something was missing in my life and something had to be let go of). Secondly, I made a list of reasons of why I wanted to live and learn to love myself unconditionally." From there the how followed. And everyone who has created their own healing miracle did it their way, yet there is a common denominator among all who did so. They learned to LOVE THEMSELVES and acknowledged purpose and meaning with the experience! Do The CURE is to inspire, inform and demonstrate by example that the CURE already exists and we simply need to Do The CURE.
This blog represents the soil of that seed of inspiration and each subsequent post, along with your comments, will serve as fertilzer to nourish the idea towards the abundant harvest of heaven on earth for all beings.
This blog represents the soil of that seed of inspiration and each subsequent post, along with your comments, will serve as fertilzer to nourish the idea towards the abundant harvest of heaven on earth for all beings.
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