Monday, October 25, 2010

Step 2 - Information and Inspiration

The first step to curing anything is to be inspired.

In Wayne Dyer's words to be "In-Spirit". Now the second step is to get information for that which you are inspired about. What that means is get your faculties or mind on board. Take control of your mind and if you are truly inspired then this part is easier. The mind has two parts: the intellectual mind and the emotional mind or feelings.

We could simplify this into Intuition Mind and Instinctual Mind. What I did first was not believe what others were saying and instead created the belief that the cure exists! Much like Edison believed that the light bulb existed it was just a matter of time, trial and error to bring into reality that which he believed. On his 9,999 unsuccessful attempt he reasoned that he learned 9999 how not to create the light bulb. On the 10,000 attempt the light bulb was born.

After hearing the fate of my diagnosis, I arranged for a second opinion with Dr. Tak at the Brigham's and Women's Hospital in Boston. In that meeting he agreed with Dr. Cloud that I have a 50% chance of living and a 50% chance of dying. My perspective and reasoning suggested that I discard the thought that I have a 50% chance of dying-"What would I be left with?" Dr. Tak. responded "You would have a 50% chance of living!" I disagreed in saying "Not true! If in my minds eye there is no such thing as a 50% chance of dying that would leave me with 100% chance of living!"

In his mental defeat, he said "Dan, in my many years of treating patients with cancer, I have learned that it is 90% attitude and 10% showing up!" Intuitively, that was my first tangible answer to my cancer: ATTITUDE and attitude is of the mind and medicine can not cure anyone's attitude! From that moment, I established in my mind that I would bring the very best of myself to the process of discovering the cure much like Edison's attitude he expressed in the discovery of the light bulb. In the words of Bob Proctor "Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions." And Barry Neil Kaufman put it "attitude is everything you are thinking, feeling and doing in every moment."

Since we are blessed with the ability to control and guide our thoughts then we have total control of our ATTITUDE. At which point I extended gratitude to every one who was a part of my process. If anyone presented with a negative attitude, then they were fired! I made that very clear. I remember at one point that I had to stay in the hospital for 5 nights and I demanded a private room. I didn't want to be next to anyone who was literally dying or mentally dying. I wanted a private room so I could fill it with positive and life promoting thoughts. I occasionally made requests not to have certain nurses come into my room because I could instinctively feel their negativity. From that point on all the nurses brought their very best attitude into my process because of my attitude.

With such a positive attitude I was open minded and open hearted enough to receive information that might serve to cure my cancer. This meant being open to everything and anything-"Leave no stone unturned!" One day I was in a book store and came across the book by Tony Robins-Awaken the Giant Within-I flipped it open to a page and my intuitive eye caught the words "start doing the things you want to do." I closed the book and in April of 1994, I decided to take piano lessons because I love music and reasoned this would give my brain new information, new possibilities, and stimulate my creative self that was dormant for so long.

At that same time, I decided to voluntarily coach ice hockey for youths for two important reasons: I loved athletics-especially ice hockey and secondly it would be my way of giving back. There was another gem: PLAY AND GIVING BACK was an aspect of myself that was dormant.

Along the way, I wore the hat "Veni, Vidi, Vici-I came, I saw, I conquered" representing my attitude. And just as the light bulb exists today, I am alive and well because the cure exists. The next step to the cure is to Participate by learning to Do The CURE.

Until I write again, don't be afraid of negative thoughts, just flip any and all negative thoughts into their positive counter part and this you will be learning to master the principle of Relativity or Duality. Beauty is in the ugliness and ugliness is in the beauty.

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