I have summarized that there are 6 factors in healing. It requires 3 internal resources or inner-resourcefulness and 3 outer resources.
Inner-resourcefulness; Desire, Willingness, and Belief
Desire: What do you have a burning desire for? This is never taught nor can it be taught to us. It must come from within. It seems to be one of the toughest questions to answer. To make it easier first think about what your interests are. Then from that list begin to see which one would be the most challenging to obtain.
Willingness is also a major player. What are you willing to let go of in order to make room for your desire to grow?
Do you believe you can do it? Or are there any self limiting beliefs, fears, and negative emotions that are preventing you from taking the next step. If you are human then there will be internal obstacles that will require dismantling or replacement with new 'up-graded' beliefs.
Outer-resources; A mentor/teacher, Guru, Priest, Rabi, etc..., Community of like minded people, and money.
Having someone who is able to keep your fire burning while teaching you how to contain, focus and channel your energy towards the GOAL. He/she can also act as a mirror to reflect back to you some perspective or to simply offer encouragement and in many cases hold you accountable while your character and will grows stronger. Transformation comes with inertia and a teacher that represents where you want to go can help with overcoming such inertia. I have had many teachers to open my mind and heart when blinded by my own ignorance, arrogance or and/or addiction to the familiar allowing me to feel safe to go through some very uncomfortable feelings and thoughts. Acquire a mentor!
No one has ever done it alone! Get is out of your head that you can! Find or create a support system that empathizes and puts you in your personal power. Drop those who's attitude is one to sabotage your dreams and desires. A Community of support, no matter how many, is vital on the road to transformation. Choose a community of people that represent where you want to go rather than where you are. I went to one cancer support group only to realize that there were many cancer patients, a few survivors but no one thriving in life. Not able to see myself as thriving in this group, I left and decided that healthy people are in health clubs and that was were I wanted to be. I volunteered at a local gym and started studying health and fitness. And soon I was surrounding myself with health conscious people. Today that has expanded to others in the healing arts with spirituality as their focus.
Lastly-money. That pesky word money with so many emotional wounds and huge beliefs about it but the bottom line is natural healing requires money! Often this is a major stumbling block in many people. When people are going through major illness challenges they often are not able to work. No work no pay and the sad story continues. It is a real human obstacle one that require many of us to dig very deep in to our soul to access that burning desire, willingness and belief.
All 6 are required for health and healing. Until we meet, I wish you the very best in creating your healing miracle!
With Great Love and Gratitude,
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