Monday, November 29, 2010

The Elements of Healing

Holistic healing requires a holistic view which includes body, mind and spirit. Here are the basic 7 Elements that can heal anything.
  1. Love Purification/loving relationships with self and others
  2. Rest-pure rest or laziness with permission, leisure activities, fun, spontaneity, playfulness
  3. Mind Purification-Intellectual Mind and the Emotional Mind
  4. Fire Purification
  5. Air Purification
  6. Water Purification
  7. Earth Purification
We are comprised of these basic Elements therefore each requires our conscious respect by doing the voluntary actions that bring us results. From 1994-2000 I was unconsciously performing these seven elements. I use to sit in the sun for several hours and rest (actually chemo brings on quite a bit of fatigue so that wasn't difficult but giving myself permission to rest was a learning experience), showering 2 times per day, fresh air, exercise, nutrition, and journaling etc...It wasn't until 2000 when I was divorced that I found the power of Love Purification through Self Love. Self Love is what is required to apply the other elements. If you do not love yourself or willing to learn how to love yourself then healing will be difficult or futile.

1. Love Purification is about improving the quality and quantity of your love. Quality of love is non-judgment/unconditional and non attachment to people, places or things of the material world. These things do not bring you love. You bring your love to these things. The material world is for comfort not love or happiness. Quantity of love is through self knowledge and self acceptance. The more you can accept your whole self the more you can accept others as they are. To self accept yourself it will require self knowledge through self analysis or other healing techniques to assist you in getting to know your self or allowing you to create a new self. When you are full of Love for yourself you then have a high quality of love to give to others because you will not require anything from them. You are just grateful for the opportunity to share your joy of life. Additionally to loving yourself is also participating in community with like minded people. A loving support team that honors you enough to hold the space for you to practice being authentic, real, creative and human without the shame or guilt often associated with opening up your heart and mind/body

2. Rest Purification-rest with full permission allows us to recharge, refuel, and realign with our love for our self, our God, our body, and our mind. How many people do you know who are deficient in pure rest? Napping is healing if your body requires rest. While in Baja Mexico living in a tent, we would practice Hammock Therapy for healing. We would rest in the shade in a wonderful hammock for as long as it took to feel refreshed, inspired and full of love for life.

3. Mind Purification involves purifying our negative thoughts into positive thoughts. It is unfortunate that negativity seems to be the standard factory installed software and that positive thinking through auto-suggestion or the positive affirmation principle must be consciously up- graded with each thought. Emotional mind involves clearing our subconscious mind of our suppressed feelings which can not be done with the intellectual mind. Many people are sick because they do not feel intrinsically safe to feel their own feelings and many people are stuck with emotionality and have trouble letting go of past traumatic events. Extricating these emotions or emotional release can free up the energy to go towards healing the body or even being creative.

4. Fire Purification is ideally sitting with an open well ventilated fire alone. This is a fire meditation but induces incredible relaxation. If you spend enough time it can open one up to creativity, a 'burning' desire, and transform pain into pleasure very quickly. In my spiritual training of the Elements of Healing with Leonard Orr, I would sit for 36 hours each week alone and in silence drinking only pure vegetable juice or water. And this was the most relaxing and superb healing to date. It was gentle, loving, simple, warm, with the fire giving me support and friendship. Candle meditation and sun bathing are also forms of fire purification.
5. Air Purification is learning to breath the energy in air as well as the air. All spiritual teachers have pointed to the conscious use of our breath as a direct portal from deep relaxation to altered states of consciousness and bliss. Also, fresh air in nature, deep breathing exercises, and being in open spaces are all other aspects of this element.

6. Water Purification. It is easily done by bathing 2X per day for 30-60 minutes in hot water. It is best to get up 1 hour before dawn and bath and 1 hour before sun set. Then exercise while the sun is rising or meditate to the sun setting. Showering is OK but soaking in a big soaker tub is for healing. If showering a cold/hot contrast shower is also very healing. Do this by warming up in the shower then turn the temp to as cold as you can take for 30seconds then switch to hot and repeat for up to 7 times. Soaking in natural hot springs, swimming in oceans, lakes and streams are also healing. Moon gazing is another way to heal the water element. Sweating and crying are other aspects of water purification.

7. Earth Purification is love your body! It mainly involves proper diet of which there are numerous philosophies to follow. You will need to use your mind to resolve to yourself what will best assist your body towards greater balance. I personally eat 99% raw primal diet with a good mix of vegetable juices, raw unheated honey, raw dairy, raw eggs, raw fish and meats. Next is movement. Move your body to circulate not only the fluids of the body but move in such a way as to move your energy through your body. The secret is the slower you move the more energy will flow. Learning to fast or juice cleanse is also a spiritual purification practice but it is not recommended unless you discuss this with a qualified practitioner or your medical doctor. Lastly is career and money management. Doing what you love to do and getting paid for it enough to support your chosen lifestyle is a big part of Earth Purification. Volunteering, dancing, music, and sex are all aspects of Earth Purification.

These are the basics and lip service will not give you the benefits of each element. They are all very easy to do, gentle and very loving. Suggestively do one element for a week and see if some of your aches and pains resolve.

Until we meet, keep your body tuned up and your soul tuned in.


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