Monday, November 15, 2010

Insights and micro-organisms

When I left the psychiatric hospital in May of 2000, I set course to cure my cancer-not on my own but with God. I remember praying in my usual cocky way saying "God, I am willing to die in order to get my aliveness back. And if you shall supply me with the knowledge of how to do so, then I will share it with others." After that prayer I felt a sense of relief. Some might call it a complete surrender. And in that surrender I actually welcomed death as a wonderful option. A few days after that surrender I had some terrific insights to guide my healing.

In the early 90's I had been working on hazardous wastes sites as a Civil Engineer. I remember discussions with other Environmental Engineers discussing the possible usage of micro-organisms to help digest and neutralize the toxic soup created by man. Instantly, I figured that if I am nature then why wouldn't micro-organisms help me. Now my engineering mind got busy and began to make some interesting connections. My gut and entire alimentary canal was the soil of the Earth and must be deficient in micro-organisms. Further more I began to recognize how I was mildly 'bacteria' phobic beginning after my bone marrow transplant. More reasoning had me conclude that the element of Earth in me was severed. Through my teacher at the time, Paul Chek, he referred me to the work of David Webster and his work in re-establishing bacterial counts in the large intestine via rectal implants of probiotics. In David's book, Achieving Maximal Health, I realized this was the first practical place to start. More and more information began to flow. This Federal Superfund site requires us to take soil samples to bedrock in order to determine the extent of toxicity. In my self analysis bedrock represented my core beliefs from which I could firmly anchor my foundation to health and love in. I followed David's book for 30 days feeding my toxic inner soil with the necessary probiotic (pro life micro-organisms) to rebuild my internal hazardous waste site.

Additionally on the hazardous waste site we tested the water and established a filtration system to filter the contaminants and return the purified water back into the soil. My logic connected the blood of my body with the water of the Earth. I reasoned that my blood was filled with toxic crap not only from medicine but also carrying the beliefs of others in my blood further validating my desire to dig to bedrock of my own beliefs. I was severed from the Water Element within me. So with the practical use of the Power of Now by Echart Tolle, I continued to dig into my own beliefs about life. This is referred to as the Self Analysis Principle to health and healing.

The next most powerful insight was that as engineers we would have absorbable material around to soak up any toxic liquid waste. I reasoned that my body required something to absorb or adsorb any toxic acrid matter in my body. In my personal studies, I learned that fat is the greatest absorber of toxic matter and got hit with the awareness of how I had bought into the belief that 'saturated' fat was to be avoided or limited. In studying nutrition, there is so much written about were toxins store in fat! So why was I fat phobic! Wow another socially accepted nutritional phobia! So, I wanted to learn more about this precious macro-nutrient. It turns out that saturated fat consumed in its raw state not only absorbs toxicity and safely carries it out of the body, it also lubricates, protects, builds and fuels every cell in our body. Cooked fats are depolarized and lose some of its effectiveness at ionically neutralizing and holding on to toxins. Therefore, toxins are free to do harm to bodily tissues and cells. Also, fat signals to the master hormone leptin that life is great and my body is safe.

Two major nutritional phobias in our culture are bacteria of all types (nature as the scape goat for our ills) and fats-especially saturated fats. The chemical, processed food, and medical industry has done an excellent job at marketing that nature and fat kills, harms and causes all our health issues while filling us up with toxic waste matter at the expense of our health! We have been duped by the magic of marketing aimed at our ignorance and mental weakness in order for us to become either physiologically dependent or emotionally attached to being poisoned! And we do this willingly without question and accept disease and illness as part of life. I referred to this as the Psychological Holocaust.

In our physically and emotionally toxic filled modern 'civilized world' I'm betting on nature and my naturalness to help me achieve optimal health. Therefore, I include plenty of bacteria rich raw animal products and plenty of raw fat in my nutritional game plan while boycotting the chemicals, processed foods, and medical drugs. I guess you could say-I learned the secrets to the magic tricks and hidden agendas of Big Business.

Until I write again, Do The C.U.R.E. by opening up a relationship with micro-organisms, throw out all your household and personal chemicals that kill nature. If it kills nature-it kills you and that is doing the disease!

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