Monday, November 8, 2010

Cancer is not a Disease

If cancer is not a disease then what could it possibly be? Certainly in the academic circles, cancer is a disease-a real nasty and deadly one. And with this view they approach the eradication of cancer with real nasty even deadly treatments consisting mainly of burning, cutting and poisoning 'the cancer' leaving the individual to their own devises to repair the damage. At the very least this leads to the erosion of one's spirit and mental, emotional and physical scares, and most often leads to a very horrific and undignified death. It reminds of Las Vegas, many people gamble hoping to win it big or even win just a little bit. But that is never the case. Only a very few people win and millions of people simple pay their dues. The allopathic approach to chronic degenerative diseases is like gambling with many people paying their dues while only a very few really make it. At best allopathic medicine for chronic degenerative disease is a co-dependent system that feeds itself business. Thus cancer at that level of thinking is really a business. Big business! In fact I postulate that the majority of our current economic structure would collapse if there were no cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, or mental illness. Think of how many jobs those diseases employ! From soft drink industry, the food packaging industry, the drug industry, politics, education, shipping of goods, etc...In other words, we have created a cultural and social economic investment and need for disease! Think about it.

Back to the question: "If cancer is not a disease then what is it?" It is my view, that cancer is the expression of the one disease that affects all of us. Spiritually speaking that one disease is the ignorance and embodiment of our oneness with the source of life and our oneness with everyone and everything. That source of life is pure unconditional love. So we are living more or less according to our judgments of good/bad and right/wrong. Now we have an internal war inside our heads and hearts saying that's bad, your wrong, I'm right, and on and on it goes. Large scale wars are an expression of the billions of tiny mental wars going on in each of us. So we are really at war with ourselves and each other. All diseases start there and certainly there are other contributing factors such as emotional dishonesty, mentally the loss of conscious choice and malnourishment due to poor diet and access to health promoting food. Academically speaking disease is a loss of homeostasis or inner balance. Yet most adults that I know, yearn for something that is not of the material world. They crave the call of spirit to return to the source of life and we just haven't made that our priority as an individual, culture and species.

So cancer is definitely not a disease. It is a wonderful feature installed by the infinite intelligence to give us the chance to wake up to living as a more spiritually responsible human being. If we think of it is a mutation of cells we would be correct but that mutation may occur in order to save us from quicker death. Consider that many species of animals and creatures can mutate themselves in color, texture and form instinctively to protect themselves from danger in order to survive. Maybe the mutation of cancer cells is similar. That these cells are mutating to protect the individual from an ensuing threat and for instinctual survival. Also, consider that human beings mutate their personality in many situations in order to 'protect' them from bodily or egoic injury. Therefore, there must be unconscious or conscious resistance to fear that is impressed upon one's sense of self. So after many years of reflecting on cancer I have concluded that there is a loving intelligence in cancer and it might be one reason that everyone who thrives after experiencing cancer says "Cancer was not a disease it was a blessing!" Shine your light of love on your fears and cancer can quickly die off or mutate back into a healthy cell.

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